Grilled Pineapple and Sugar Wontons

Grilled Pineapple and Sugar Wontons

6 ¾ -inch-thick slices peeled and cored fresh pineapple, inside whole removed. (2cm thickness)
¼ cup maple syrup (60ml)
¼ cup melted butter (60ml)
2 tablespoons rice vinegar (30ml)
2 tablespoons rum (30ml)
4 teaspoons lime juice (20ml)
6 wonton wrappers, halved diagonally
1 tablespoon granulated sugar (15ml)

2 cups store made good quality vanilla ice cream

In a bowl combine maple syrup, vinegar, rum, lime juice, and mix to combine. Pour over the pineapple slices, reserving some of the mixture for basting. Turn the slices over with your fingers to make sure both sides are evenly coated. Let them marinate for a few minutes.

Line baking tray with parchment paper. Using a sharp knife, slice wonton wrappers in half, creating a triangle. Place the triangles on tray and brush with melted butter. Turn over and brush the other side.

Prepare barbecue for direct grilling. Preheat grill to medium–high heat on the left side and medium heat on the right side. Oil the grill and add pineapple for about 2 – 3 minutes a side or until golden brown on the medium-high side. Baste them with the reserved marinade liquid. Turn the slices over and watch carefully they don’t burn. Continue to cook the pineapple until golden char marks are achieved on both sides. Remove from grill and keep warm.

For the wontons oil grill well and keep the heat at medium high. Place the wontons on the grill and cook for about 2 minutes a side or until puffed up and golden brown. Remove the wontons and sprinkle with sugar immediately,
To plate place pineapple slice on plate top with vanilla ice cream and scatter some sweet wontons as a garnish drizzle any remaining marinade on plate. Serve immediately.

Serves 6


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